Employer Jobs Pledge
What is the Jobs Pledge?
Care sector employers (disability, aged care and home care service providers) are encouraged to make a Jobs Pledge to demonstrate their commitment to providing real job opportunities and secure employment for job seekers across the Illawarra and South Coast. Our target over the next 12 months is to create 150 sustainable job outcomes - that is 150 job seekers securing fulfilling work and looking forward to their career in our sector.
Making a Jobs Pledge will ensure job seekers can easily find out about real jobs and careers on offer in the care sector.
Employers can complete the form below to confirm the job vacancies your organisation is willing to pledge as part of this initiative. Once the form is submitted, we will follow up once a month about the jobs you have pledged and support recruitment efforts with promotion and marketing activities via the CareForce Hub and social media campaigns to attract job seekers.
For a printable Pledge Information Toolkit click here. This toolkit provides further information on the Pledge process.
To check out our Pledged Job of the Week click here. We can advertise your positions vacant for free! To see what other organisations have pledged click here.